Hey, what it do peeps? Welcome back to another intense dose of rap music on the STL Undaground Scene at Mixxtape Mondays @ Club Es·ca·láde. Whew-weeeeee! Quite a few artists came thru last night and tore the roof of the building! But nevertheless, this week's braggin rights go to...........................Ruka Puff, The Cream Team and Janessa Morgan.

Ruka Puff

The Cream Team
Janessa Morgan
The stiff competition at this event is generating a buzz that is catching the interest of out of town record label executives, promoters, managers, magazine publishers, A&R's and radio executives. It's gettin HOT yall! For an example, I want to thank Richard Johnson from HOT 104.1FM for coming thru and giving these local acts a "good listen". Mixxtape Mondays is ultimately a networking event and an open venue to give performers a place to shine and hook up with each other to make somethin happen. BIGGUP to the Universal Records representative who came in from out of town with Ruka Puff and crew. This dude Ruka Puff came thru and mashed down the building yo! Mad respect and keep doin yall thang.
Another example of networking power is founder and CEO K.Lamonté (pic below) of Gifted Soul. He was at the event and the host gave him the stage for 4 or 5 minutes. WOW! This guy got straight down to business. He gave advice about the music industry and a gratifying speech about how St.Louis does have very good talent and how it is important to support each other. He was promoting his showcase and had one of his artists with him to perform. The artist name is Janessa Morgan which is a sultry r&b/ neo soul singer. K.Lamonté's company, Gifted Soul has management, PR and offers a showcase (if you can make the kut!).

Mixxtape Mondays also attract home-town celebrities such as comedian Lil Roc. He did not perform but was in the house kickin it enjoyin the performances. Oh yeah, Lil Roc jumped on stage alongside the AMP Squad with cocktail in hand to perform a new and up and coming dance called "hit da bac".Other comedians are finding their way to the event to get their exposure on, know whutImean.
Big SHOUT-OUT to Mz. Keeno feat. Lekia that tore it up performing a song about all those no good guys who are only out for themselves. Big SHOUT-OUT to Buck Marley who had the crowd throwin up ones which is a U-City anthem. Big SHOUT-OUT to KFP for holdin their own. Big SHOUTS-OUT to Vito Money, Whiteside, The Amp Squad, Young Tazz Da Hustla, Essince, Tenacious Da Terrist,Snug D. Butta and K. LaMonté.
Buck Marley
HONORABLE MENTION: Aurellius The Saint, Young Legends, Lucky Lucci, Phloe, 501 BLU, Mac Da Rippa, Janea, Shabazz, NuSynce, C-Dot, B-EZ, Ms. Woody (comedian), Wise Guy, Ms. Marie, Butta, Tez, and King Louie.
One person cannot do it alone... nor can one rapper... nor can one singer... nor can one preacher ...nor one teacher cannot succeed alone. It takes a team of DEDICATED, HARD-WORKING enthusiasts who have and share a vision and goal. It also takes SACRIFICE and the drive and the will to bring that vision and goal into fruition! Hard work does pay off but you can't rush it either, aight! Let's see who will earn nest week's braggin rights.
Check out the pix:
putcho one's up

Vito Money (to the right)
these guys ripped it, sorry I didnt get their name :-(
comedian Ms.Woody
Ruka Puff
Snug D. Butta and comedian Lil Roc

Mz. Keeno feat. Lekia

Mo Lyric and JDawg
Dj Boogie Corleone and the lovely Keisha
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