Monday, May 27, 2013

Wu-Tang Clan - It's Yourz

This is a song during the "Golden Age" of Hiphop performed by a group that was spittin conscious lyrics.
I'm reminiscing right now.

Wu-Tang Clan are 5% ers who told the media what was goin on in their neighborhoods in New York.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

A few new construction projects going on in Saint Louis City

Driving around the City of St. Louis is exciting and bewildering (because of all the signs and detours). It feels good to see improvements in our communities. All of the following pictures were taken in the Central West End area of St. Louis.

This is 4510 Delmar, west of Taylor

I wonder what type of facility this will be? The Central West End is represented by three aldermen as it sits partially in the 17th, 18th, and 28th Wards. The alder-persons are Joseph D. Roddy, Terry Kennedy and Lyda Krewson respectively.
This looks like a Career Resource Center

Beautiful home redone plus a big addition in the back 

This is a very interesting piece of real estate. I saw the construction going on throughout the whole process. I'm not sure what the owner had in mind but it looks like the back part will be some sort of educational or training facility. It could also be a meeting place for small business owners and entrepreneurs.
Hmmm, private parking for constituents maybe?

Everywhere you turn there is new construction going on.This is at the corner of Delmar and Academy where this construction group is building this structure at blazing speed. I'll post the latest pics on the next blog.
Corner of Delmar & Academy

Right behind me, after I took the above pic, I turned around to see what the hoopla was about. I observed some men trotting on this steeeep roof top. They were singing some sort of folk tune while they were working. The guy hanging from the rope was singing as well while he flailed his free hand and clinched the rope with his other hand.
These brave roofers were energetic on the job 
 These photos were taken on Apr. 13, 2013 9:35am.